* @Author: Kato Integrations
* @Description:
* This is a test program demonstrating how to call IPI APIs to
* create a page segment (*PAGSEG) from a provided image file in the
* IFS. You can specify the dimensions of the page segment being created
* in inches.
// This is included for demo output purposes only and is not part of IPI.
D WriteToJobLog PR 10I 0 Extproc('Qp0zLprintf')
D pString * Value Options(*String)
D NewLine C x'15'
// This data structure will contain any error information returned by
// the IPI APIs.
D IPIErrorDS DS LikeDS(IPI_ErrorDS_t) Inz(*LikeDS)
// This data structure is used to configure how image data is loaded as
// well as whether or not the image is coming from a STMF or a field.
D LoadImageDS DS LikeDS(IPI_LoadImageDS_t)
D Inz(*LikeDS)
// This data structure is used to pass around information about a loaded
// image to other IPI APIs for further processing or output.
D ImageDS DS LikeDS(IPI_ImageDS_t)
D Inz(*LikeDS)
// This data structure configures where the page segment will be
// created and allows you to specify the target dimensions of the
// page segment in inches.
D TargetPagSegDS DS LikeDS(IPI_PageSegmentDS_t)
D Inz(*LikeDS)
// Always call IPI_Initialize() before calling any other IPI APIs.
// IPI_Initialize() will return *On if it was successful or *Off if not
reset IPIErrorDS;
if not IPI_Initialize( IPIErrorDS );
// handle error here
WriteToJobLog( 'IPI_Initialize() Error' + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Message ID: '
+ IPIErrorDS.MessageId + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Message: '
+ IPIErrorDS.Message + NewLine );
exsr cleanup;
// Always reset IPI data structures before using them.
reset ImageDS;
reset LoadImageDS;
// Set which IFS image file to create a page segment from
LoadImageDS.Stmf = '/tmp/image.tiff';
// Is the input data base64 encoded?
LoadImageDS.Base64Encoded = IPI_NO;
reset IPIErrorDS;
if not IPI_LoadImage( ImageDS : LoadImageDS : *Omit : IPIErrorDS );
// handle error here
WriteToJobLog( 'IPI_Initialize() Error' + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Message ID: '
+ IPIErrorDS.MessageId + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Message: '
+ IPIErrorDS.Message + NewLine );
exsr cleanup;
// Specify location of created page segment
reset TargetPagSegDS;
TargetPagSegDS.ObjectName = 'IPITSTPS';
TargetPagSegDS.LibraryName = 'IPI';
// Width in inches
TargetPagSegDS.Width = 2.00;
// Height in inches
TargetPagSegDS.Height = 1.00;
reset IPIErrorDS;
if not IPI_ImageToPageSegment( ImageDS
: TargetPagSegDS
: IPIErrorDS );
// handle error here
WriteToJobLog( 'IPI_Initialize() Error' + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Message ID: '
+ IPIErrorDS.MessageId + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Message: '
+ IPIErrorDS.Message + NewLine );
exsr cleanup;
exsr cleanup;
*INLR = *ON;
begsr cleanup;
IPI_UnloadImage( ImageDS : IPIErrorDS );
IPI_Terminate( IPIErrorDS );