// Example Program: T_DWNLRPT
// Description:
// This is a test program to demonstrate downloading a batch detail
// report from CyberSource using the CTI_DownloadReport() API.
// To achieve this, generate a unique ID with CTI_NextUniqueId(), and
// then populate the required fields in the ReportDS data structure.
// Call the API, passing in your unique ID and the other parameters
// as shown.
// CTI_DownloadReport() will return *On if no error was encountered,
// or *Off if an error occurred. If an error occurred, you should look
// at the fields in ErrorDS to retrieve information about the error.
// Otherwise, the downloaded report can be found in the download
// directory specified in your CTICFGENV record.
Ctl-Opt ActGrp(*Caller) BndDir('CTIBND') Option(*NoDebugIO);
// This is included for demo output purposes.
Dcl-Pr WriteToJobLog Int(10) Extproc('Qp0zLprintf');
pString Pointer Value Options(*String);
Dcl-C NewLine x'15';
// This stores the unique ID for this API call
Dcl-S UniqueId Like(CTI_UniqueId_t) Inz;
Dcl-Ds ReportDS LikeDS(CTI_DownloadReportDS_t) Inz(*LikeDS);
// This holds any error information returned by the API call
Dcl-Ds ErrorDS LikeDS(CTI_ErrorDS_t) Inz(*LikeDS);
// Modify this field to use your merchant ID
Dcl-S MerchantId Like(CTI_MerchantId_t) Inz('ikrengel');
reset ErrorDS;
// Each API call requires a unique ID
UniqueId = CTI_NextUniqueId();
ReportDS.MerchantId = MerchantId;
ReportDS.OrganizationId = MerchantId;
ReportDS.Environment = CTI_ENV_TEST;
// If this value is not specified, CTI will use a value of '*DEFAULT'
//ReportDS.KeyLabel = '';
ReportDS.ReportDate = %Date('2019-03-16');
ReportDS.Filepath = %Char(UniqueId) + '_report.xml';
if not CTI_DownloadReport( UniqueId : ReportDS : ErrorDS );
WriteToJobLog( 'Failure' + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Source: ' + ErrorDS.Source + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( %Trim(ErrorDS.MessageId) + ': '
+ ErrorDS.Message + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Success' + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Report File: ' + ReportDS.Filepath + NewLine );
// Write unique ID to job log for easy reference
WriteToJobLog( 'T_DWNLRPT Unique ID: ' + %Char(UniqueId) + NewLine );
*INLR = *On;