// Example Program: T_SUBRTV
// Description:
// This is a test program to illustrate how to call the CTI_Run()
// subprocedure to retrieve a subscription/profile/token.
// To achieve this, generate a unique ID with CTI_NextUniqueId(), and
// then populate and write a record to CTIWSHDR. Then, call CTI_Run()
// passing in your unique ID as well as the other parameters shown.
// CTI_Run() will return *On if no error was encountered, or *Off
// if an error occurred. If an error occurred, you should look at
// the fields in ErrorDS to retrieve information about the error.
// Otherwise, you can perform a CHAIN against the CTIWSRSP physical
// file, and retrieve the result fields.
Ctl-Opt ActGrp(*Caller) BndDir('CTIBND') Option(*NoDebugIO);
Dcl-F CTIWSHDR Disk(*Ext) Keyed Qualified Usage(*Input:*Output);
Dcl-F CTIWSRSP Disk(*Ext) Keyed Qualified Usage(*Input);
Dcl-Ds HDR ExtName('CTIWSHDR':*Output) Qualified End-Ds;
Dcl-Ds RSP ExtName('CTIWSRSP':*Input) Qualified End-Ds;
// This is included for demo output purposes.
Dcl-Pr WriteToJobLog Int(10) Extproc('Qp0zLprintf');
pString Pointer Value Options(*String);
Dcl-C NewLine x'15';
// This stores the unique ID for this API call
Dcl-S UniqueId Like(CTI_UniqueId_t) Inz;
// This holds any error information returned by the API call
Dcl-Ds ErrorDS LikeDS(CTI_ErrorDS_t) Inz(*LikeDS);
// Modify this field to use your merchant ID
Dcl-S MerchantId Like(CTI_MerchantId_t) Inz('ikrengel');
reset ErrorDS;
// Each API call requires a unique ID
UniqueId = CTI_NextUniqueId();
// CTIWSHDR needs to be populated with the transaction data
clear HDR;
HDR.UID = UniqueId;
HDR.CRTDT = %Timestamp();
HDR.MCHID = MerchantId;
// This Subscription ID needs to have been created already
HDR.RSISUBID = '4333152637005000001518';
if not CTI_Run( UniqueId : ErrorDS : *Omit : *Omit : MerchantId );
// If CTI_Run() returns *Off then an error occurred.
// You should check ErrorDS subfields for info:
// ErrorDS.Subproc = Name of CTI subprocedure that threw error
// ErrorDS.MessageId = Message ID of the error message
// ErrorDS.Message = Error message description
// ErrorDS.LogFile = Path to a log file created in the IFS that can
// be used for troubleshooting. Log files are generated
// automatically whenever an error occurs. You can also force log
// files to generate by modifying the value of the LOGALL field in
// CTICFGMCH for the provided Merchant ID.
// ErrorDS.Source =
// - CTI_SOURCE_INTERNAL is a general product error.
// This could be due to issues with input data, or the
// inability to access physical files, etc.
// - CTI_SOURCE_TRANSMIT is a product error that specifically
// occurred during HTTPS communication with the CyberSource
// webservice. This could be due to issues with your network
// configuration, proxy setup, internet connection, etc.
// - CTI_SOURCE_REMOTE is an error message provided by CyberSource.
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Message Id: ' + ErrorDS.MessageId + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Message: ' + ErrorDS.Message + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'Error Source: ' + ErrorDS.Source + NewLine );
// All error information is also written to the file CTIERR.
// If CTI_Run() returned *On the request was successful. You can
// access the results in the CTIWSRSP file using the same UniqueID
// that was used to create the request record in CTIWSRSP.
if %Found(CTIWSRSP);
// For this sample code we're writing the response data to the job
// log, but generally you would extract the data and pass it into
// your own data tables. The CTIWSHDR, CTIWSITM, and CTIWSRSP files
// should not be used for long-term data storage and should instead
// be considered short-term transactional files.
WriteToJobLog( 'MCHREFCD: ' + RSP.MCHREFCD + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'REQID: ' + RSP.REQID + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'RSNCD: ' + %Char(RSP.RSNCD) + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'REQTK: ' + RSP.REQTK + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PRSNCD: ' + %Char(RSP.PRSNCD) + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCITY: ' + RSP.PCITY + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCMNTS: ' + RSP.PCMNTS + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCNTRY: ' + RSP.PCNTRY + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCUR: ' + RSP.PCUR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCACTID: ' + RSP.PCACTID + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PEMAIL: ' + RSP.PEMAIL + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PFNAME: ' + RSP.PFNAME + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PFREQ: ' + RSP.PFREQ + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PLNAME: ' + RSP.PLNAME + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PDFLD1: ' + RSP.PDFLD1 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PDFLD2: ' + RSP.PDFLD2 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PDFLD3: ' + RSP.PDFLD3 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PDFLD4: ' + RSP.PDFLD4 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PMREFCD: ' + RSP.PMREFCD + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSFLD1: ' + RSP.PSFLD1 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSFLD2: ' + RSP.PSFLD2 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSFLD3: ' + RSP.PSFLD3 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSFLD4: ' + RSP.PSFLD4 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PPHNNBR: ' + RSP.PPHNNBR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PPOSTCD: ' + RSP.PPOSTCD + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PRECURAMT: ' + RSP.PRECURAMT + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSETUPAMT: ' + RSP.PSETUPAMT + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTCITY: ' + RSP.PSTCITY + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTCMPNY: ' + RSP.PSTCMPNY + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTCNTRY: ' + RSP.PSTCNTRY + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTFNAME: ' + RSP.PSTFNAME + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTLNAME: ' + RSP.PSTLNAME + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTPOSTCD: ' + RSP.PSTPOSTCD + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTSTATE: ' + RSP.PSTSTATE + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTSTR1: ' + RSP.PSTSTR1 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTSTR2: ' + RSP.PSTSTR2 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTATE: ' + RSP.PSTATE + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTATUS: ' + RSP.PSTATUS + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTREET1: ' + RSP.PSTREET1 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTREET2: ' + RSP.PSTREET2 + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PTITLE: ' + RSP.PTITLE + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCDACTNBR: ' + RSP.PCDACTNBR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCDEXPMON: ' + RSP.PCDEXPMON + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCDEXPYR: ' + RSP.PCDEXPYR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCDTYPE: ' + RSP.PCDTYPE + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSUBID: ' + RSP.PSUBID + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PAPRREC: ' + RSP.PAPRREC + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PTOTPMTS: ' + %Char(RSP.PTOTPMTS) + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PAUTORNW: ' + RSP.PAUTORNW + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PBILLPAY: ' + RSP.PBILLPAY + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCDISSNBR: ' + RSP.PCDISSNBR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCDSTMON: ' + RSP.PCDSTMON + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCDSTYR: ' + RSP.PCDSTYR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCKACTNBR: ' + RSP.PCKACTNBR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCKACTTYP: ' + RSP.PCKACTTYP + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCKAUTID: ' + RSP.PCKAUTID + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCKRTNBR: ' + RSP.PCKRTNBR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCKSECCD: ' + RSP.PCKSECCD + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCMPNAM: ' + RSP.PCMPNAM + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PCMPTXID: ' + RSP.PCMPTXID + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PDOB: ' + RSP.PDOB + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PDLNBR: ' + RSP.PDLNBR + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PDLSTT: ' + RSP.PDLSTT + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PENDDT: ' + RSP.PENDDT + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PMCHREFCD: ' + RSP.PMCHREFCD + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'POMCHID: ' + RSP.POMCHID + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSTRDT: ' + RSP.PSTRDT + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSUBIDNEW: ' + RSP.PSUBIDNEW + NewLine );
WriteToJobLog( 'PSPMTMD: ' + RSP.PSPMTMD + NewLine );
// Write unique ID to job log for easy reference
WriteToJobLog( 'T_SUBRTV Unique ID: ' + %Char(UniqueId) + NewLine );
*INLR = *On;