Call Non-SOAP Web Service

Compose a simple xml stream for a non-SOAP web service transaction. It will call web service http://[AS400_IP]:8181/myrxs/rxs3 which is included in the base install of the RPG-XML Suite. Note the [AS400_IP] address will need to be changed to that of the machine where RPG-XML Suite was installed.

Source Code

 //@Author - Kato Integrations
 //@Desc: Compose a simple xml stream for a non-SOAP web service transaction. It will
 //        call web service http://[AS400_IP]:8181/myrxs/rxs3 which is included in
 //        the base install of the RPG-XML Suite. Note the [AS400_IP] address will need to be
 //        changed to that of the machine where RPG-XML Suite was installed.
H dftactgrp(*no) bnddir('RXSBND')
 /copy rxs,RXSCp                            RXS_* procedures & definitions
 //Local Prototypes
D allHandler      pr
D  pType                              value like(RXS_Type)
D  pXPath                             value like(RXS_XPath)
D  pData                              value like(RXS_XmlData)
D  pDataLen                           value like(RXS_Length)
D errHandler      pr
D  pCurLine                     10i 0 value
D  pCurCol                      10i 0 value
D  pErrStr                    1024a   value varying
D gError          ds                  likeds(RXS_Error) inz
 //Result of parse
D gPrsData        ds                  qualified inz
D  status                       10a   varying
D  msg                         256a   varying
 //Used for RXS_getUri API
D gInCfg          ds                  likeds(RXS_GetUriIn) inz
D gReqData        s                   like(RXS_XmlData)
D gRspData        s                   like(RXS_XmlData)
D gRspHttpHdr     s                   like(RXS_XmlData)
  reset gError;
  reset gPrsData;
  exsr compose;
  if gError.code <> *blanks;
  exsr transmit;
  if gError.code <> *blanks;
  exsr parse;
  RXS_log(RXS_DIAG: 'gPrsData.status=' + gPrsData.status);
  RXS_log(RXS_DIAG: 'gPrsData.msg=' + gPrsData.msg);
  *inlr = *on;
  begsr compose;
    RXS_initTplEng(RXS_VAR: *omit: *omit: *omit: *omit: *on);
    RXS_updVar('residential': 'true');
    RXS_updVar('title': 'Mr.');
    RXS_updVar('first': 'Sample');
    RXS_updVar('last': 'Resident');
    RXS_updVar('street': '123 Center Rd');
    RXS_updVar('cty': 'Mankato');
    RXS_updVar('state': 'MN');
    RXS_updVar('zip': '56001');
    RXS_updVar('phone': '123-123-1234');
    RXS_updVar('phone': '321-321-4321');
    gReqData = RXS_getBuffData(*on); //*on=clear buffer after retrieving.
    gError = RXS_catchError();
  begsr transmit;
    //Note the below IP address needs to be changed to that of the iSeries where
    //the RPG-XML Suite was installed. Also note that if a different value was used
    //for the name of the RXS instance than 'myrxs' that should be specified in the
    //below URL.
    gInCfg.URI = '';
    gInCfg.Port = 8181;
    gInCfg.Debug = RXS_YES;
    RXS_getUri(gInCfg: gReqData: gRspData: gRspHttpHdr);
    gError = RXS_catchError();
  begsr parse;
    RXS_parse(gRspData: RXS_VAR: %paddr(errHandler));
    gError = RXS_catchError();
 //@Author: Kato Integrations
 //@Notes: There are four events that your program can be notified of through the allHandler
 //        sub procedure and they are passed in the pEvntType parm. An event is triggered
 //        as the parser reads the document top down, left to right (same way you read the
 //        newspaper). Note that you will only be notified of events you specified before the
 //        call to RXS_parse by using API's RXS_allElemBegHandler, RXS_allElemContentHandler,
 //        RXS_allElemEndHandler, and RXS_allAttrHandler.
 //        The four events and their values (note that these can all be overidden by
 //        changing the RXSCFG file or by doing a temporary override on the RXS_parse command)
 //        Element Begin   = '>'   -- Placed at end of string (i.e. '/elem>')
 //        Element Content = '/'   -- Placed at end of string (i.e. '/elem/')
 //        Element End     = '/>'  -- Placed at end of string (i.e. '/elem/>')
 //        Attribute       = '@'   -- Placed between the elem and attr (i.e. '/elem@attr')
 //        The most common events you will use are Element Content and Attribute simply
 //        because these are the two that provide business data via the pData parm on the
 //        allHandler procedure interface. Events Element Begin and Element End are very
 //        helpful when you have repeating XML data. You can then use the Begin and End
 //        events to do a CLEAR and WRITE to a PF record respectively. Remember that
 //        in-between the Element Begin and Element End events you will be notified of all the
 //        element content, which means that after the CLEAR (i.e. Element Begin event) you
 //        can place data into the PF record until you reach the Element End event at which
 //        time you can do a WRITE of that record because it has now been populated with data.
P allHandler      b
D allHandler      pi
D  pEvntType                          value like(RXS_Type)
D  pXPath                             value like(RXS_XPath)
D  pData                              value like(RXS_XmlData)
D  pDataLen                           value like(RXS_Length)
  when pXPath = '/response@status';
    gPrsData.status = pData;
  when pXPath = '/response/';
    gPrsData.msg = pData;
P                 e
 //@Author: Kato Integrations
P errHandler      B
D errHandler      PI
D  pCurLine                     10i 0 value
D  pCurCol                      10i 0 value
D  pErrStr                    1024a   value varying
  gError.code = 'GETURI3001';
  gError.severity = 100;
  gError.pgm = 'GETURI3.errHandler';
  gError.text =
    'Line:' + %char(pCurLine) + ' Col:' + %char(pCurCol) + ' ' + pErrStr;
P                 E

Template File

<PostAdr residential=".:residential:.">
        <name title=".:title:.">

Sample XML Request

<PostAdr residential="true">
  <name title="Mr.">
  <street>123 Fake Street</street>

Sample XML Response

<response status="success">Postadr for Egan Jones has been processed.</response>