This example program demonstrates how to offer a web service that accepts XML request data, parses the request data into two output tables, then composes and returns XML response data.

The output tables - ORDSVCHDR and ORDSVCDTL - can be found below. ORDSVCHDR will contain order header information, with one record per request. ORDSVCDTL will contain order detail or line item information, with one or more records per request.

A          R ORDHDR                    TEXT('Order Header Record')
A            ORDER         15P 0
A                                      TEXT('Order number')
A                                      COLHDG('ORDER' 'NUMBER')
A            CUST           5A
A                                      TEXT('Customer number')
A                                      COLHDG('CUSTOMER' 'NUMBER')
A            ORDDAT         8P 0
A                                      TEXT('Date order was entered')
A                                      COLHDG('ORDER' 'DATE')
A            SHPVIA        15A
A                                      TEXT('Ship via')
A                                      COLHDG('SHIP' 'VIA')
A            ORDSTS         1P 0
A                                      TEXT('Order status: 1=Open 2=Closed-
A                                       3=Canceled')
A                                      COLHDG('ORDER' 'STATUS')
A            ORDAMT        11P 2
A                                      TEXT('Order amount')
A                                      COLHDG('ORDER' 'AMOUNT')
A            TOTLIN         3P 0
A                                      TEXT('Total items in order')
A                                      COLHDG('TOTAL' 'LINES')
A            INVNUM         5P 0
A                                      TEXT('Invoice number')
A                                      COLHDG('INVOICE' 'NUMBER')
A          K ORDER
A                                      SIGNED
A          R ORDDTL                    TEXT('Order Detail Record')
A            ORDER         15P 0
A                                      TEXT('Order number')
A                                      COLHDG('ORDER' 'NUMBER')
A            QTYORD         3P 0
A                                      TEXT('Order quantity')
A                                      COLHDG('ORDER' 'QUANTITY')
A            PARTNO         6P 0
A                                      TEXT('Part number')
A                                      COLHDG('PART' 'NUMBER')
A            PARTDESC      40A
A                                      TEXT('Part description')
A                                      COLHDG('PART' 'DESCRIPTION')
A            UNITAMT        7P 2
A                                      TEXT('Unit amount')
A                                      COLHDG('UNIT' 'AMOUNT')
A            TOTAMT        10P 2
A                                      TEXT('Total amount')
A                                      COLHDG('TOTAL' 'AMOUNT')
A          K ORDER
A                                      SIGNED

ORDSVC Program

The RPG program consists of three main parts:

  1. Retrieving the request XML
  2. Composing the response XML
  3. Returning the response XML

Additionally, we must configure RXS Router to make our program accessible as a web service.

The request XML is first retrieved with RXS_GetStdIn, then parsed with RXS_Parse and the accompanying parsing handler subprocedure. The parsing handler subprocedure handles writing data to the two output tables.

The response XML is composed with the XML composition engine. The composition engine relies on a template, which is created using the CRTRPGTPL command. For more information, please see our guide on creating an RXS template. The initial template file (the output from BLDTPL) can be found in the second tab below.


Ctl-Opt ActGrp(*New) BndDir('RXSBND') Main(ORDSVC);

Dcl-F ORDSVCHDR DISK Usage(*Input:*Output) Keyed UsrOpn Prefix('H');
Dcl-F ORDSVCDTL DISK Usage(*Input:*Output) Keyed UsrOpn Prefix('D');


// This is the first of two times where we need to copy in the template member
//  for our response XML - it is copied a second time in the ResponseTemplate
//  subprocedure


// ========================================================================
// Global fields and data structures
// ========================================================================

Dcl-S gOrderNumber Packed(15:0);
Dcl-S gInvoiceTotal Packed(11:2);
Dcl-S gItemsCount Packed(3:0);

Dcl-S gRequestError Ind Inz(*Off);
Dcl-S gDuplicateOrder Ind Inz(*Off);
Dcl-S gInvalidOrder Ind Inz(*Off);

// ========================================================================
// Program main subproc ORDSVC
// ========================================================================
Dcl-Proc ORDSVC;
  // RPG-XML Suite programs used to offer web services generally
  //  don't accept parameters via a parameter list, so this is
  //  intentionally empty.
  Dcl-Pi *N;

  Dcl-S RequestXml Like(RXS_Var8Kv_t);
  Dcl-S ResponseXml Like(RXS_Var64Kv_t);

  Dcl-Ds ParseDS LikeDS(RXS_ParseDS_t);
  Dcl-Ds ComposeDS LikeDS(RXS_ComposeDS_t);
  Dcl-Ds PutStdOutDS LikeDS(RXS_PutStdOutDS_t);

  Dcl-S ExitStatus Ind Inz(*Off);


    exsr init;

    exsr getRequest;

    exsr parseRequest;

    if gRequestError;
      exsr composeAndReturnError;
      exsr composeAndReturnResponse;

    exsr composeAndReturnResponse;


  begsr init;
    reset gOrderNumber;
    reset gInvoiceTotal;
    reset gItemsCount;

    reset gRequestError;
    reset gDuplicateOrder;
    reset gInvalidOrder;

    // Open necessary tables
    if not %Open(ORDSVCHDR);
      open ORDSVCHDR;
    if not %Open(ORDSVCDTL);
      open ORDSVCDTL;

  begsr getRequest;
    // Retrieve request XML from Apache/RXS Router
    reset RequestXml;
    RequestXml = RXS_GetStdIn();

  begsr parseRequest;
    // Parse request XML and write records to ORDSVCHDR/ORDSVCDTL assuming
    //  there are no errors
    RXS_ResetDS( ParseDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_PARSE );
    ParseDS.GlobalHandler = %Paddr( RequestHandler );
    RXS_Parse( RequestXml : ParseDS );

  begsr composeAndReturnResponse;
    // Compose the response XML
    RXS_ResetDS( ComposeDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_COMPOSE );
    ComposeDS.TemplateProcedure = %Paddr( ResponseTemplate );
    ComposeDS.TrimVariables = RXS_YES;
    ComposeDS.EncodeVariables = RXS_YES;
    RXS_StartComposeEngine( ComposeDS );

    // We're going to respond with pretty much the same
    //  data that we accepted and parsed from the request.

    chain gOrderNumber ORDSVCHDR;

    RXS_ComposeVariable( V.OrderNumber : %Char(HORDER) );
    RXS_ComposeVariable( V.OrderDate : %Char(HORDDAT) );
    RXS_ComposeVariable( V.OrderStatus : %Char(HORDSTS) );
    RXS_ComposeVariable( V.CustNum : HCUST );
    RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ShipVia : HSHPVIA );
    RXS_ComposeSection( S.ORDER_HEADER );

    RXS_ComposeVariable( V.InvoiceNumber : %Char(HINVNUM) );
    RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ItemCount : %Char(HTOTLIN) );
    RXS_ComposeVariable( V.Amount : %Char(HORDAMT) );
    RXS_ComposeSection( S.INVOICE_HEADER );

    setll gOrderNumber ORDSVCDTL;
    reade gOrderNumber ORDSVCDTL;
    dow not %Eof(ORDSVCDTL);
      RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ItemNumber : %Char(DPARTNO) );
      RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ItemDesc : DPARTDESC );
      RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ItemQuantity : %Char(DQTYORD) );
      RXS_ComposeVariable( V.UnitPrice : %Char(DUNITAMT) );
      RXS_ComposeVariable( V.TotalPrice : %Char(DTOTAMT) );
      RXS_ComposeSection( S.ITEM );

      reade gOrderNumber ORDSVCDTL;

    RXS_ComposeSection( S.INVOICE_FOOTER );

    RXS_ComposeSection( S.ORDER_FOOTER );

    ResponseXml = RXS_GetComposeBuffer();

    RXS_PutStdOut( ResponseXml );

  begsr composeAndReturnError;
    RXS_ResetDS( ComposeDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_COMPOSE );
    ComposeDS.TemplateProcedure = %Paddr( ResponseTemplate );
    ComposeDS.TrimVariables = RXS_YES;
    ComposeDS.EncodeVariables = RXS_YES;
    RXS_StartComposeEngine( ComposeDS );

    // Set the code and message based on the type of error
      when gDuplicateOrder;
        RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ErrorCode : 'DUPLICATE_ORDER' );
        RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ErrorMessage
                           : 'A duplicate order exists in ORDSVCHDR' );
      when gInvalidOrder;
        RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ErrorCode : 'INVALID_ORDER' );
        RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ErrorMessage
                           : 'Provided order is invalid' );
        RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ErrorCode : 'UNKNOWN' );
        RXS_ComposeVariable( V.ErrorMessage
                           : 'An unknown error occurred' );

    RXS_ComposeSection( S.ERROR );

    ResponseXml = RXS_GetComposeBuffer();

    // Because we're returning an error, we're going to leverage
    //  the HTTP status code to more clearly communicate that to the caller.
    //  A status code of 400 indicates a "Bad request" which is a good catch
    //  all for the types of errors we're trying to capture and report. To
    //  send a specific status code other than the default 200, we need to
    //  use the optional data structure parameter that RXS_PutStdOut supports.
    // You can read more about types of HTTP status codes here:
    //   https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status
    PutStdOutDS.HeaderStatusCode = 400;
    PutStdOutDS.HeaderContentType = 'text/xml';
    RXS_PutStdOut( ResponseXml : PutStdOutDS );

On-Exit ExitStatus;
  // Close all open files
  close(E) *ALL;


// Perform a check against ORDSVCHDR to see if we already have an order
//  with this order number. If we do, we're going to return an error
//  to the calling client.
Dcl-Proc IsDuplicateOrder;
  Dcl-Pi *N Ind;
    pOrderNumber Packed(15:0) Const;

    if not %Open(ORDSVCHDR);
      open ORDSVCHDR;

    chain pOrderNumber ORDSVCHDR;
    if %Found(ORDSVCHDR);
      return *On;
      return *Off;
    return *On;

// ========================================================================
// Request XML parsing handler
// ========================================================================
// This subprocedure handles XML events that are detected by the parser.
// The XPath structures for the different events are:
//   '/element>' - element start
//   '/element/>' - element end
//   '/element/' - element content
//   '/element@attribute' - attribute content
Dcl-Proc RequestHandler;
  Dcl-Pi *N;
    pType Char(10) Value;
    pXPath VarChar(1024) Value;
    pData Pointer Value;
    pDataLen Int(10) Value;

  // This is checking to see if we've run into an error while parsing
  //  or validating this order, and halting parsing if we have.
  if gRequestError;

    // This XPath ends in a ">", which means that is it an "Element Begin"
    //  parsing event. These types of events are generally a good trigger
    //  to perform initialization of records or data structures, or reset
    //  counters, etc.
    // Note that "Element Begin" events DO NOT have data.
    when pXPath = '/Order>';
      // At the start of the XML document, reset the ORDSVCHDR record and
      //  zero the invoice total field
      reset ORDHDR;
      gInvoiceTotal = 0;
      gItemsCount = 0;

    when pXPath = '/Order/Items/Item>';
      reset ORDDTL;

    // This XPath is searching for an "Attribute Content" parsing event,
    //  which is indicated by the '@' symbol before the attribute name.
    // Note that "Attribute Content" events DO have data.
    when pXPath = '/Order@Number';
      // Parsed data is retrieved with RXS_STR().
      // Because content is retrieved as character data, we need to
      //  convert the value into the appropriate data type before
      //  writing it to the table.
        HORDER = %Dec( RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen ) : 15 : 0 );
        gOrderNumber = HORDER;
        HORDER = 0;
        gOrderNumber = 0;
        gRequestError = *On;
        gInvalidOrder = *On;

      // Check to see if this order number already exists. If it does,
      //  stop parsing, and return an error message to the calling client.
      if IsDuplicateOrder( HORDER );
        gRequestError = *On;
        gDuplicateOrder = *On;

    // This XPpath ends in a "/", which is an "Element Content" parsing event.
    //  These events are the main thing you test for when writing an event
    //  handler subprocedure, because this is how you parse content from an
    //  XML document.
    // Note that "Element Content" events DO have data.
    when pXPath = '/Order/Customer/';
      HCUST = RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen );

    when pXPath = '/Order/Ship/';
      HSHPVIA = RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen );

    when pXPath = '/Order/Items/Item>';
      // Safeguard before we try to parse items to confirm we found an
      //  order number in the request
      if gOrderNumber = 0;
        gRequestError = *On;
        gInvalidOrder = *On;

    when pXPath = '/Order/Items/Item/Number/';
        DPARTNO = %Dec( RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen ) : 6 : 0 );
        DPARTNO = 0;
        gRequestError = *On;
        gInvalidOrder = *On;

    when pXPath = '/Order/Items/Item/Description/';
      DPARTDESC = RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen );

    when pXPath = '/Order/Items/Item/Quantity/';
        DQTYORD = %Dec( RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen ) : 3 : 0 );
        DQTYORD = 0;
        gRequestError = *On;
        gInvalidOrder = *On;

    when pXPath = '/Order/Items/Item/UnitPrice/';
        DUNITAMT = %Dec( RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen ) : 7 : 2 );
        DUNITAMT = 0;
        gRequestError = *On;
        gInvalidOrder = *On;

    // We will use this event to calculate the line item total cost
    //  and add it to the invoice total, as well as write the line item
    //  record to the table. We also increment the item count.
    when pXPath = '/Order/Items/Item/>';
      gInvoiceTotal += DTOTAMT;
      gItemsCount += 1;
      write ORDDTL;

    // This XPath ends in a "/>", which is an "Element End" parsing event.
    //  These events are a good place to perform record write or cleanup
    //  operations.
    // Note that "Element End" events DO NOT have data.
    when pXPath = '/Order/>';
      // Check again to confirm we had a valid order number
      if gOrderNumber = 0;
        gRequestError = *On;
        gInvalidOrder = *On;

      HORDAMT = gInvoiceTotal;
      HTOTLIN = gItemsCount;
      HORDSTS = 1;
      HORDDAT = %Dec( %Char(%Date():*ISO0) : 8 : 0 );
      HINVNUM = HORDER + 1;
      write ORDHDR;



Dcl-Proc ResponseTemplate;
  Dcl-Pi *N;

  // Templates are created via a two-step process using BLDTPL and
  //  CRTRPGTPL - full walkthrough can be found at
  // https://isupport.katointegrations.com/rxs/latest/creating_an_rxs_template/

  // The RPG Template source is copied from QRPGLETPL by using
  //  /COPY once at the beginning of the program and again below.

<Order Number=".:OrderNumber:." Date=".:OrderDate:.">
  <Invoice Number=".:InvoiceNumber:." ItemCount=".:ItemCount:.">
<Order Number="12345">
      <Description>Part 1A</Description>
      <Description>Part 1B</Description>
<Order Number="12345" Date="11112021">
  <Invoice Number="11025" ItemCount="2">
        <Description>Part 1A</Description>
        <Description>Part 1B</Description>

Configuring RXS Router

With your RXS library in your library list, call the command WRKRXSRTRE to open the Work with RXSRTRCTL Entires screen. The entires on this screen are used to configure the different web services offered by RXS Router in your environment.

Press F6 to create a new entry. Fill in the Routing Identifier and Routing data fields like the example configuration below:

RXS Router parses the URL to determine which control entry to reference for a given web service call. The Routing Identifier value is what RXS Router checks the URL against, and this also determines what the URL will look like when calling the web service. In this case, the URL for the web service will start with:

[your IBM i address]/orders/

The flags used in the Routing data field control the following:

-pgm *1   Tells RXS Router to look at the first URL segment (after the routing identifier) to determine which program to call
-lib ORDSVCDEMO   Tells RXS Router that the program being called is in the ORDSVCDEMO library

There are other configuration flags available - see the RXS Router page for more information. We do not need additional flags for this simple program.

With our program named ORDSVC, the final URL to call the web service will be:

[your IBM i address]/orders/ordsvc/